Saturday, October 15, 2005

How sad!

What a sad, neglected blog this is!! We're out of town so much during the summer that I let things slide. I can't promise to post a lot here but I will try to post more often.

I didn't read too many books during September. I finished Shadows by Edna Buchanan the 1st of the month and finished Fool's Moon by Jim Butcher on the 15th. I had a few "did not finish" books the rest of the month. I didn't even write most of them down in my log.

I love the Jim Butcher books. The main character, Harry Dresden, is an openly practicing wizard who assists the local police with any "special investigations". The first book in the series is "Storm Front". I have the third book on order from the library but someone else must be reading them, too, because it's been on hold for a few weeks now. I wish I'd thought of looking for it when I was at Barnes and Noble last Sunday.

We were in Cape Cod the last week of September and I had a chance to go to a used bookstore in Wellfleet. I was able to browse for as long as I wanted. I was very excited to find a copy of Beckoning Trails by Emily Loring. This was the first book of hers I read many years ago and it's always been my favorite. Mom used to have it but it disappeared during one of her many moves. I've been looking for it for years now. I immediately reread it and it's still my favorite. If the name is unfamiliar, she wrote quite a few books in the late 40's up through the early sixties (I think). They are romantic suspense and mostly take place during WWII. The heroine is always pure, good and beautiful, and so is the hero. The good guys always win, the guy always gets the girl, and everyone always lives happily ever after. What makes them special is her wonderful descriptive passages and the mystery part is very well done. Reading them is like watching an old movie. I was very happy to add this to my collection.

I just started Haunted Ground by Erin Hart. So far I'm enjoying it. It takes place in Ireland and starts off with a farmer finding a severed head in a peat bog. A little different than the Loring book!

On the treadmill right now is The Goodbye Body by Joan Hess. This is a Claire Malloy book and is very good. If you haven't read Joan Hess's books, find the first one in the series and read them in order. She also writes the Maggody books and they are quite funny.

That's it for now. I need to go clean my poor neglected house. Till next time!


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